Why are you a fan of Kristen? The fans give back

So you will remember when i asked you guys this time last week to tell me why you are a Kristen fan, here it all is. I have to you all sent me the most beautiful entries and pictures. I've decided to have this as one long post, one very beautiful read. If you are still wanting to send something then feel free to e-mail me at kstewfashion@btinternet.com and i'll make sure it is posted. So sit back and enjoy, maybe have a hot drink and some snacks because this post will make you smile several times.

I´m a follower of your blog and i just want to tell you why i´m a fan of kristen :)
A big reason is that she is a great actress. I would say one of the best ever.
I love the movies in which she plays along.
Last weekend i say THE MESSENGERS on Tv and i love how she plays there.
I know her since the movie THE PANIC ROOM where she plays a girl with diabetis. I also have diabetis.Funny xD
Then i saw Twilight and i love her more and more.
Another reason is that isn´t one of the bad girls. She is like the girl next door. She is normal :) I love that.
She don´t care about what another people say and that she has always look good.
And of course i think she looks very very pretty. She is such a natural beauty. Make-Up? She don´t need it. I hope that she stays the way she is.
I love her.
So that was my "report" :D maybe you can correct some things because my english is not so good i think. I´m sorry.
I also send you just some of my favourite pictures of her.

xoxo sophie

Hey I love Kristen Stewart!! Cuz she awsome.. shes different shes not a famous diva or anything she has the coolest style ever and she has the best personalty. her attitude is cool and down to earth.... If i could meet her.. my dream would some true!!!!! I LOVE Kristen!!!!!!!


Why I love Kristen?

This might be a bit long, take what you want from it :) I attached a photo of me, I dunno why though lol maybe cos it's always nice to put a face to a name? lol my twitter is @pattylust and you can include my name Kelly. Thank you so much for doing this! I cannot wait to read everyone else's reason! I hope you include your reason too ;)

Ok here goes:

My name is Kelly, I am a 31 year old from the UK, I fell in love with Kristen when I saw her (but not for the first time) in Twilight, it took a while to know that i loved her though cos i was besotted with Rob! lol

Anyway, I had at that point in my life and actually since a few years before that, been a bit lost on my appearance. I felt oddly out of touch with everyone else, who were preened beyond preened and all very celebrity looking. I think the fact that I decided to go back to uni, and therefore hanging around people over 10 years younger than me didn't help boost the confidence.

Then here was Kristen Stewart, who when not at events, didn't really care what she looked like, who was happy without make up, or even putting a brush to her hair sometimes, i loved this! I've always been on and off with make up, most days i don't bother with it, but I like to if i'm going out. Then, i've always been a bit of a jeans and tshirts girl, and when I dressed, up felt a bit out of place. Kristen was all these things, although a lot more beautiful than me, she would wear what she wanted how she wanted and I found her very quirky.

It reminded me that I didn't have to be preened or care what others thought, that natural was good and I guess I felt a connection to Kristen because I realised I could not care about how I looked, and I didn't have to try to be some immaculately dressed woman.

I used to be confused about my appearance, now i'm happy, and Kristen's casual fashion sense has given me something to follow and add to my own, I have a few of the things she wears now, not a lot but a couple. :)

I think with all the over emphasis on perfect beauty, Kristen is a feminine Icon of the modern celebrity age, hopefully the younger people who look up to her can learn from her and not feel they have to match up to the over preened hollywood beauties that saturate (and sometimes make us miserable) our lives today!

Thanks Kristen xxxx

Hi Kiki! I love our girl Kristen because she has Real talent. She goes for roles that mean something instead of ones that are sure to be blockbusters. She is a natural beauty and isn't afraid to admit that she's not perfect. Kristen is a intelligent girl who is down to earth. She rocks jeans and sneakers instead of making everyday a unneeded fashion show (she doesn't walk around with her dog in her purse either). She has GREAT taste in fashion (never afraid to try something) and AMAZING taste in men. Anyone who trashes this chick is just a hater. I give credit where its due. Love ya.

I think for her age she has a tremendous sense of self, and style and individuality well beyond her years. I admire that she is not the typical 20 year old Hollywood star. As demonstrated by her varying roles she can pull off any look--she is just gorgeous. I look forward to watching her over the years :)
Christal M.

Hey miss ktewfashion,

You have a great idea with this post, me too can't wait to see what the others will write about it.

SO i'm a Kristen fan since i saw The Messengers, she was cool in it.
It seems also that we have a lot on common, a comfy relaxed and chilled sense of fashion, i'm a bit awkward as she is.
English isn't my language so it will not be too long, because i don't really know how could i well explain my admiration of her.
She' s dawn to earth, bitchy and really cool in the real sense of the word.
That's it i think, i could write milloins others things about her.
My hope is , that she will evoluate as an actress and not change her personnality.

Thank's to you Ktewfashion, you do a really amazing job on your blog.


I am a Kristen Stewart fan because shes a true role model. She's always stayed true to herself instead of being some sort of mass media puppet. She doesn't follow anyone elses rules or expectations on how to act or how she should look, and i love that about her. She's broken all the rules of traditional beauty; it's truly beautiful to be yourself. And Kristen is herself, and she's fierce even in her jeans and v-neck shirt. There aren't any real role models out there, but kristen is one. I'm around Kristen's age, and to have someone like her as an example to look at, she's awesome. Even being me, an ordinairy girl, I've definately felt the pressures to look and act a certain way, and Kristen's paving the way with the ideals of not having to do that. I'm a fan because she's confident in her own skin and thats exactly what true beauty is all about. She absolutely rocks it, and I love her carefree attitude. More girls should start looking up to her, and what she represents. She's a truly phenomenal girl, and I cannot wait to see how she continues to grow and evolve.

I LOVE Kristen, because she's not the average Hollywood girl.. she does not need all this tan skin, blond hair and itsy bitsy bling bling thing,.. what I loved most is her appearance at the mtv movie awards back in 2009 when she showed up with converse.. that's just such a cool statement all these paris hiltons would not have the heart to do..
kristen rocks!!

At first I really didn't like Kristen; she was stuttering in the whole Twilight movie and she couldn't even do one interview without fidgeting or touching her hair. One of my friends who was a huge fan of her's told me to 'give her a chance', I said no. It wasn't until they started filming NM that I told myself I would try to start liking her :P I watched some of her other movies (Speak, Panic Room and The Cake Eaters were the first) and I realized she was actually an amazing actresse! I still didn't like her performance in Twilight and I still thought she was annoying but I know realized she was good at what she did. I watched some more of her interviews from before Twilight and saw that she wasn't always that fidgety (is that how it's spelled?). I slowly found out it was mainly because of the fame she was that why. But I wasn't a "fan" of her's yet.
I became one when I saw her cut off her hair for the JJ role. *claps* It takes a LOT of gut to chop and dye your hair for a role. Esp. considering the whole Twilight universe went mad when they saw that she didn't have the Bella hair anymore. After the whole hair thing I re-watched her Twilight interviews and suddenly what I had found annoying was normal, she was uncomfortable in the spotlight.
Ever since then my 'love' for her has grown. She's one of the few people in Hollywood who is a good, young actresse and not trying to get fame. Kristen's a naturally beautiful, sweet, intelligent, unique, bad ass, sexy, talented woman.
I'm not able to really voice why I love her and why I'm a fan of her but what i just wrote above is a good summary of what I feel.

So first of all let me thank you, thank you, thank you for your amazing blog!! I love it. I was wandering around the endless universe of the internet trying to find kstew fashion info but all I got was some random pictures of clothes they thought she might be wearing photoshopped together with twilight quotes. You document her style perfectly and stay true to her (at least of what we know of her).

I remember seeing Into the Wild and watching Kristen and thinking, "Wow, she is a very genuine and talented actress for being so young". And that ended there. And then a few years pass I read the Twilight series, love the books, decide I should probably see the movie. Not the best book to movie translation but Kristen stuck out to me again. Once the fan-base went nutso and I started to see interviews of her left and right, I realized that she was a down to earth and smart girl who didnt look or act like any other Hollywood fake. It was amazingly refreshing, and on top of that she was only 18!! Then I started to oggle at every dress she would wear to premiers or award shows and soon after I was stalking the internet to find out who the designer of that dress was and when and how can I own it myself? Then that turned into loving her everyday look and everything else in between. So that is my love story with kstew, now if only she could reciprocate my love and then share her whole entire closet with me....and possibly her maybe true/maybe false boyfriend.

That's that. You can leave me anonymous.

Thank you! And never stop doing your blog! :)

I think why I like her is becoz shes someone we can relate to. She wears normal everyday clothes, looks we can pull off. She doesnt change under the pressure of fame, she sticks to what she like which applys to her makeup, fashion, attitude and what movie roles she choses. And she reads, she always mentions authors she likes in some interviews. If theres ppl who knew who she was before twilight, like me, they can see she hasnt changed her fashion sense, and who she is in a way.
Thats why I like her


I first noticed her in Into the wild in 2008. She had a small role but there was something special about her. I googled her and bought Speak. And after Speak I was a real big fan of her acting skills. She was outstanding in it. I mean c´mon she´s soo good there. I came over Amazon to Twilight and read the first book and I fell in love with the story and the characters. I heard that there will be a movie of it and I watched the trailer. And there was Kristen and I was like omg that´s the girl from Speak and Into the wild. I loved the first Twilight movie and watched all interviews with Kristen and Rob and they were so nervous and awkward not like all those hollywood chicks. Yeah that´s how it all started. I really love her and her style everything on her looks so cool. And I really don´t know how this is possible. She just wears a T and a dark blue jeans and it looks fucking amazing!? I really fell in love with those two people and respect there privacy. Yeah and I really fell in love with her face. Sounds weird but I love her eyes and her little freckles that´s why I start drawing her. She´s not a classic beauty but she doesn´t need a lot of make-up to show her beauty. she just is. And I really don´t understand how people can think she´s ugly. Because have you seen her? She really rock every look . No matter what clothes, haircut or color.

Aylin W. from Germany (Chanel1ooo on Twitter)

There are many reasons why I am fan of Kristen. Not only is she an awsome and talented acteress, but she is so down to earth as a celebrity can possibly be. She wears what she fells comfortable in and that makes her style so cool and uniqe. Compared to other celebrities who worry so much about how thet look, Kristen is very confident (in some ways..lol). She's confident cause she doesn't care about all the critique she gets for her style.
As she has said herself: She owns what she owns. She's not interested in sharing her whole life with the rest of the world, which is amazing. She just does her part which is shooting films and then promote them. :-) Her way of acting is also the best I've ever seen! :-D She's special in a good way! I just can't describe my passion for her with words. She's just AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL and WONDERFUL and PASSIONATE about what she loves!!!

Kristen is my favourite actress since i saw her in a film with jodie foster.she's natural, not like anothers actress in hollywood... i like her because she's just kristen

I'll admit I became interested in her when I saw she was going to play Bella in Twilight. I think she is beautiful and a strong person. She's not typical Hollywood and I REALLY love that! She is REAL, honest, and completely relatable. She also has a killer wardrobe that I would like to own. ;) That's why I love Kristen.

I have just recently become intrigued with Kristen Stewart. I've kind of grown up with her movies, without taking much consideration or acknowledgement of her as an actress. It wasn't until last November, when New Moon came to theaters, that I began to recognize Kristen for her originality. Truth be told, I was paid to stand in line and wait to see New Moon for some friends of mine. Not having any previous interest in the Twilight series, I decided to watch the first installment the night before the premiere of New Moon, so I wouldn't be completely lost with the story. While watching Twilight for the first time, I immediately recognized Kristen. Like I said, I had basically grown up with her movies. I couldn't help but feel like most of Twilights' appeal was based on Kristen's talent. Since then, I've watched and admired most of her performances, and then began learning bits and pieces of her life. I think what makes Kristen most admirable is her realistic perspective. She is young, rich, gorgeous, and immensely talented, but she is also extremely bright, meek, and deferential, and doesn't take shit from anyone. I highly respect Kristen for knowing her place and owning to the fact that she is just a simple human being. It is very unusual for me to have such a high regard for someone, especially a movie star, but that just goes to show what a unique attraction she has. I aspire to be like Kristen......but not to "copy" her style, or try to look and act like her, but to be as true to myself as Kristen is. She's got balls, wit, and spunk, and has more audacity and grace than most people her age that I know of (we are the same age). I hope to see Kristen continue her career for many years, and achieve many more accomplishments. I wish her all the best.

I'm from Asia and so forgive my poor English. I watched 'The Panic Room' a few years ago. I did not have special feeling about this girl after seeing Twilight and New Moon. Until I saw some of her interviews on youtube and photoshots, I am obsessed with her! The depth she tried to deliver during her interviews impressed me. I can really feel her love to acting and her passion in this industry. I respect her so much that she did a lot of indie films, even after she got fame after Twilight!

She is very beautiful, natural and talented. Not the type that catches your eyes in the frist sight but makes people admire her little by little without a letup. She persists her own style, so much different from those fake Hollywood barbies!!~ She's really cool in The Runaways (disappointed, the film won't be shown in my city). I love her more and more everyday

I admire kristen stewart
For many reasons
summary: she is not a Hollywood star but she is a star

Kristen does a lot of things that many people in Hollywood would never do:
- When all the world identified she with Bella , kristen has cut her hair
- She not speculates on the relationship with Robert
-Take a break from work instead of taking advantage of the situation and turn many films
- It's Hard to be the girlfriend of a guy who is the object of desire of many women and not being able to tell the world, but she remains close to Robert in the important moments (New Year's, Budapest, Prime RM etc.)
- She's irreverent, funny, loves his family

and much, much more

excuse my English, I'm Italian

Hi there.
So why do I love Kristen Stewart? prepare yourself...

My love for Kristen Stewart started after I saw the movie Speak, I was about 14/15 years old. Since then I've seen her in little movies here and there and always thought she was pretty cool for not playing any role stereotypically. She actually gives her characters substance and a real life. Instead of just saying the lines, she feels them and means them and has thought behind them. I also love Kristen because being famous or a celebrity is not a goal of hers. It's not important to her, so you know she's an actor because she purely loves what she does. When I found out she was playing Bella in Twilight I wanted to see the movie and read the books because she was in it, after that, I started diving into interviews she'd done and watching all her other movies. I've seen every one of her movies now, I even went to Sundance this year (2010) to see her two new movies; The Runaways, and Welcome to the Riley's. She's an inspiration because she's a hard working girl, she's always jumping from project to project and everyone says she's great to work with. She's focused and professional which motivates me to do the same. She's extremely intelligent, you can tell in interviews that even though she may stumble on her words or stop mid sentence she definitely knows what she is talking about. I think the main reason I love her is because she's a real person; She is comfortable with who she is. She stands up for herself and what she believes in. She knows what people say about her and she won't conform to the typical hollywood girl because that's not who she is. She is a strong person and I admire her most for that. She's not fake!!! I think a lot of people like her because she's 100% herself all the time, which makes it easy for people to really see her and get to know her. It makes me feel like I know her and understand her because she is so grounded. Anyone could see themselves being her friend, she's extremely relatable and she doesn't put herself up on a pedestal, she seems very approachable and real. I think her fans really like that about her; she's 20 years old now and she acts like a 20 year old. Kristen and I are the same age and we're into a lot of the same things. It's nice to see someone in Hollywood like this, she is different and gets a lot of flack for it, but without her being who she is some of us different people like her maybe wouldn't have accepted ourselves for being who we are like she does. bottom line, I'm a huge fan of hers, I'll always support her. I have friends who don't like her and that's okay because it's their opinion, but their opinion and the rest of the worlds isn't going to influence me to change my mind. I am who I am and I'm going to stand up for what I like and what I believe in. And maybe Kristen helped me to see things that way.

Thanks for letting us express our opinions,


The reason I LOVE Kristen is because you could just relate to her. You could imagine her actually wanting to talk to you and not being a total snob like other celebrities. She is awkward, funny and sarcastic in interviews but I love that and I think thats what makes her who she is. She has an absolutely amazing dress sense and because she isn't always decked out in Gucci and Prada (although the girl does love her Chanel e.g BAFTA's, Met Ball) if you see something she wears that you love you can easily go buy it and not break the bank, for example I was thrilled when I managed to get an exact replica of her Ray Ban Original Wayfarer II Black/White in Primark for £1.00 because I love those glasses! Also recently in an interview she discussed her favourite bands and now I can't stop listening to Bands of Horses - The Funeral, - The Great Salt Lake and Camera Obscura - If Looks Could Kill, - Alaska. And she's also indroduced me to the amazing world of JOAN JETT (who again I can't stop listening to LOVE LOVE LOVE Crimson and Clover!) Although I haven't seen The Runaways yet (I live in the London so hopefully it's being released here soon :) ) I've heard that she is absolutely bad ass in it and also can't wait to hopefully see Welcome To The Rileys. And we all know she's gonna kick ass as Mary Lou in On The Road! And we all know in a few years she won't just be presenting at The Oscars she'll be winning some herself....wonder what she'll wear..??!!!


So about why I like Kristen...I did'nt even know who she is before I saw Twilight. Then I googled her came to know she is a child actor. I managed to see some of her older movies. She puts so much effort into her acting like in The cakeeaters..with all those nuances of a diabled person it was great. In Speak it was a very realistic portrayal of a traumatised teen. And the videos I've seen of her on the set...she is no-nonsense and absolutely focussed. That kind of focus really inspires me.
And I love her even more because she is not afraid to be herself. In one interview she shook hands with the presenter saying 'some poeple are not comfortable doing it so thats why I didnt..but really I dont mind..' and another time in an interview she said 'if I see u mistreating a girl I will fly across the room and punch you'. She speaks her mind and she does not think she has to be nice and smiling just because the world is looking at her..she is a normal human being.
One time she told off a fan who was continuously hounding her for pictures and autographs without letting the other fans. Another time she was giving autographs to a handful of fans and her bodyguard was trying to keep them from getting too close or something. She told her bodyguard to move his arm and stop blocking the fans.
And dont even get me started on her sense of fashion - she can rock a pair of jeans and a shirt and look totally glamorous too! She carried off the mullet so well! And her shoes! And her ring!
I hope I'll get to meet her one day..hey by the way did u know that she's in talks to act in a Bollywood movie called 'Paani' by an Indian director called Shekhar Kapur (who directed Shakespeare in love) with Hrithik Roshan who is one of the top actors in Hindi Bollywood movies. Check him out! http://tigeryogiji.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/hrithikroshan-3b.jpg
How do u think the pair of Hrithik and Kristen will look? So I hope she comes to India!
Love you for your awesome blog it rocks! i check out kstewfashion everyday! Its my daily dose of the fierce one!

*This truley was a fantastic read, thank you ever so much for taking the time to write in. beautiful words from beautiful people*


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