Matt Smith chose his own Doctor's costume on Doctor Who

Following in Christopher Eccleston's and David Tennant's footsteps, Matt Smith a.k.a Doctor Eleven, has helped pick up his Doctor ensemble which is made up of tweed jacket, shirt and bow tie, suspenders, and black boots.

About what he wears, the 27 year old actor said:

What's interesting about this particular Doctor's look is that it's going to constantly evolve. Steven [Moffat] is very keen that he's a man who gets up in the morning and wears clothes because it's cold.

For his Doctor, the defining element is his bow tie: If you look at every Doctor, every Doctor has something, and I have a bow tie.
As always with this show you're dealing with history, and you go, 'Oh, I can't have a scarf because Tom Baker had a scarf, I can't have a pair of converse...' but I'm pleased, because the costume has come out of my personality, and it feels right on my body and my frame.

Series 5 is set to air on Easter Weekend in the UK and on April 17 in North America.


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