'Sherlock' Star Turned Down Role of the Doctor on 'Doctor Who'

Sherlock star, actor Benedict Cumberbatch, has revealed that he turned down the role of the Doctor on Doctor Who.

The Sun claims that Cumberbatch, who is getting rave reviews for is role of Sherlock Holmes in the re-invented series from showrunner guru Steven Moffat, was offered the iconic role when former Tenth Doctor, Scottish actor David Tennant, decided to leave the Tardis behind.

But before deciding to turn down the role, the 34 year old actor revealed that he had a discussion with Tennant about playing the iconic character and what it would entail :

"David and I talked about it but I thought it would have to be radically different. And anyway I didn't really like the whole package - being on school lunchboxes."

So instead of setting up shop in the tardis, so to speak, Cumberbatch settled for Baker Street instead.

Most recently, Cumberbatch hinted at a possible Doctor Who appearance in the future. As to what, when and who is up in the air.

Take note that The Sun still claims that Matt Smith will leave Doctor Who after the next series (which would be series 6) - which I seriously hope won't happen.

Smith is absolutely terrific as the Eleventh Doctor and I've grown to like him a lot, just like Cumberbatch is a terrific Sherlock Holmes.

Essentially, I believe the right actors got the right parts.

And also, Smith signed a three year contract with the series so unless the actor really badly wants out of the role, I doubt it will happen.



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