The article in Canada’s Globe and Mail talks about how traditional media sites have never seen anything quite like the Twilight Saga fury and how they get their info. (Photo credit ML Splash News)
“The Twilight films are based on Stephenie Meyer’s novels of the same name about the vampire Edward (Pattinson) and Bella (Stewart), the human teen who falls for him. The novels were bestsellers before they hit the big screen, but the films have turned the Twilight industry into an even larger phenomenon – fuelling a staggering interest in the stars.
“Any and every photo – it doesn’t matter how bad it is, it doesn’t matter how little you can see of the people, the fans want to see everything and they will look at every single photo all day long,” says Goodson.
To say the photos are good for driving traffic to the websites is an understatement.”
-By Jen
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