Others signed to star in the film are Richard Tyson as Bob Alcorn; Rance Howard (father of Ron who recently appeared in “Frost/Nixon”) as Clyde’s father Henry Barrow; David Fralick as Big Ed Crowder; and Natalie Canerday as Mrs. Methvin.
Parts still to be cast include those of Blanche and Buck Barrow; Bonnie’s mother, Emma; Clyde’s mother, Cumie; and Ralph Fults. Holly is in negotiations with a popular young actor to play Fults but cannot make an announcement until he is signed, she said.
“Hopefully I’ll be making some announcements soon,” she said.
Holly is writer, producer and director of the film. She emphasizes that “The Story of Bonnie and Clyde” is not a remake of the 1967 film starring Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty, but her own version of the story of the doomed couple.
She hopes to begin filming April 14 in St. Francisville, La., then move to Alexandria, Norwood and Jackson, La., she said, depending on actors’ schedules.
Embora grande parte do filme seja filmado em Louisiana e Mississipi, Holly quer gravar algumas cenas no norte de Alabama.
Outro ator que assinou um contrato foi Richard Tyson; ele fará o pai de Clyde. David Fralick será Big Ed Crowder e Natalie Canerday fará a senhora-deputada. A diretora, Holly, ainda está negociando com outros atores. Ela não vai revelar até que todos os contratos estejam assinados.
"Espero fazer alguns avisos em breve", revelou.
A filmagem vai começar 14 de abril, em St. Francisville, depois será filmado em Alexandrina e Norwood.
Source:The News Courier / Traduçao Hilay-Brasil
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