I have 4 more new videos, 8 in total, thanks to dro.com
Equus - MSNBC
Equus - Daily Mail
Equus - CNN (Another Video)
Equus - AP
Equus - GMTV
Equus - BBC
Equus - Kamera
Equus - CNN
Equus - Reuters
New Daniel Pictures Leaving Equus VIP Press Night
Here area few new pictures of Daniel leaving the VIP press night of 'Equus' at the Gielgud Theatre in London.

There were many celebrities that attended today’s opening night, from actors to politicians. You see most of them by clicking on Wenn
There were many celebrities that attended today’s opening night, from actors to politicians. You see most of them by clicking on Wenn
UPDATE: Equus - RAVE RAVE Reviews and New Pictures!!

Here is a nice video from CBS News Video talking about Daniel's new role.
The time has finally arrived, today Feb 27, 2007 has been the official opening night for Equus, and here are some rave reviews of Dan's performance.
From Broadway World
“Equus” Gallops Back Into the West End
"Peter Shaffer’s 1973 play, “Equus”, a thoroughly absorbing and gripping psychological drama, rears its head once more in the West End in Thea Sharrock’s revival at the Gielgud theatre. And the play has lost none of its power and ability to challenge the mind and shock the senses.
As Alan Strang, Daniel Radcliffe is a total revelation. Casting off his Harry Potter magician’s hat, he gives a performance of amazing maturity. At the right times boyishly cute and winsome, he is also convincingly troubled, withdrawn and disturbed, bursting into fury in a way that is for one special moment quite heart-breaking."
From The Telegraph
"Regular readers may recall that I am no great fan of the playwright Peter Schaffer, and Equus (1973) seems to me to contain every bit as much phoney baloney and pseudo-profundity as such other of his hits at Amadeus and the Royal Hunt of the Sun.
"And even I must concede that Equus, which I last saw as a trainee reviewer in the mid-70s, packs a terrific theatrical punch in Thea Sharrock's powerful revival, evocatively designed once again by John Napier.
"Better yet, Daniel Radcliffe brilliantly succeeds in throwing off the mantle of Harry Potter, announcing himself as a thrilling stage actor of unexpected range and depth.
"Despite minimal previous theatrical experience Radcliffe here displays a dramatic power and an electrifying stage presence that marks a tremendous leap forward.
"I never thought I would find the diminutive (but perfectly formed) Radcliffe a sinister figure, but as Alan Strang, the play's teenage anti-hero who undergoes psychotherapy after viciously blinding six horses, there are moments when he seems genuinely scary in his rage and confusion. There are fleeting instants when you even detect a hint of Voldemort-like evil in his hooded eyes.
"It's an illusion of course - Strang is just a classic mixed-up kid, lonely, sexually confused, and with a love of horses which has become disastrously tangled up with his mother's hard-line Christianity.
"It helps of course that at 17, Radcliffe is exactly the same age as the character he is playing, and he superbly lays bare the sheer rawness of youth, the sudden mood swings of adolescence, and that intense unforgettable feeling that you are in a hostile world all on your own. I have a hunch that this play is going to attract a very large audience of devoted teenage girls.
"The actor keeps turning the emotion on a sixpence, switching from sullen anger to raw vulnerability, or from terrible pain to a sudden childlike innocence and charm. And in the nude sex scene that has had all the media in such a tizzy, he and his partner Joanna Christie beautifully capture the awkward tenderness of young love before the action moves into altogether darker territory."
From the Herald Tribune
"The play is indeed a brave choice, but also a sensible one for a very famous young actor who has said he wants "to shake up people's perception of me."
"Almost grown, lightly muscled, sporting the first shoots of a beard, Radcliffe is well suited to the role of Alan Strang, a young stable boy sent to a psychiatric hospital after committing a brutal, seemingly inexplicable crime — he has blinded six horses with a metal spike.
"For the most part, Radcliffe's performance is assured. Radcliffe's vocal range may be a bit narrow — he has a tendency to convey Strang's anguish by shouting — but his hooded eyes and hunched, defensive posture convey a wounded and bewildered young man. And when he finally lets loose in the climactic 10 minutes of — full, sensitively lit — nudity, he is emotionally unrestrained and compelling.
"This production will pack in the crowds thanks to Radcliffe's fame and the unstoppable Harry Potter brand. It deserves to succeed on its own merits. Radcliffe proves he can shed, at least temporarily, the boy wizard's robes."
From Reuters
"Radcliffe, who found fame as the young wizard in the Potter films, plays a troubled stable boy who ritualistically blinds horses in a production that has caused a flurry of excitement among his hordes of teenage fans.
"He won a standing ovation on the opening night at London's Gielgud Theater and fellow actors who came to watch were full of praise for his courage in taking on such a grueling role.
" 'I am so impressed with his choice of play and the career Daniel Radcliffe is having,' Hollywood star Christian Slater told Reuters
" 'It is an incredible part for a young actor. He is taking a big risk,' actor Richard E. Grant said."
From the Independent
"He wants it all, that Daniel Radcliffe. Having landed what is unquestionably the best film role for a male teenager, he is now making his West End stage debut in what is for my money the best theatrical role for a male teenager.
"In the event, Radcliffe acquits himself well. He is not the most expressive of actors, and his stage presence will take time to evolve; but from the moment he enters the psychiatrist's office, shoulders hunched, eyes narrowed and singing advertising jingles to avoid questioning, he cuts a compelling figure. As the evening goes on, there are moments when he touches, even if not tugs at, the heart strings. One feels for this boy because one senses from his performance a repression hiding a reservoir of feelings desperate to burst."
Here are some new pictures of today's official opening.
Wenn (VIP press night)
Star Daniel Radcliffe Escaped Mob!

An interesting article by the Time Online, accounts an interesting and entertaining story of how Daniel, Richard Griffiths and Jenny Agutter escaped from hundreds of fans waiting for Daniel Radcliffe outside The Gielgud Theatre.
"Even in Soho the sight of Richard Griffiths, one of Britain’s most illustrious and generously proportioned actors, escaping a mob through a theatre window is unusual. When the theatre involved is hosting the nude stage debut of a teenager better-known as the screen Harry Potter such pandemonium is probably inevitable.
"At each of last week’s preview performances, hundreds of fans gathered at the stage door after the show, hoping to persuade Radcliffe to sign Equusprogrammes and posters. Those brandishing Harry Potter memorabilia are moved on.
"The frenzy reached a peak on Saturday night when a crowd of 450 had to be dispersed by police. The Gielgud Theatre’s security staff managed to escort Radcliffe to his car but two of his co-stars, Jenny Agutter and Griffiths, were trapped inside.
"David Pugh, the play’s producer said: 'Richard and Jenny had to get out through the side window by the box office on Rupert Street.'
"For Griffiths, the award-winning star of Alan Bennett’s The History Boys, this proved a particularly delicate task. 'You try to get Richard Griffiths out of a back window,' Mr Pugh said. 'It was a bit touch and go.'
"Shaffer, 80, had hitherto refused to sanction a major revival, partly because he did not previously believe that another young actor could match Firth’s performance.
"Mr Pugh estimates that half the audience in the previews was made up of 'people that don’t go to the theatre' - 'It was only after Peter Shaffer approved Daniel’s casting that we thought, 'Ooh, what about the Harry Potter fans?' - 'We were incredibly nervous about security and we consulted the Rolling Stones security team. They told us to chill out.' - 'My main concern was that the sort of audience we would be getting might be a touch rock’n’roll, a touch Take That — the sort of people who didn’t understand theatre etiquette' - 'But, touch wood, there has not been a single giggle or whoop or cheer.' During the nude scene, Mr Pugh said, 'you could hear a pin drop.'
" 'People can get rather overexcited when big-name stars strut their stuff on the West End stage,' Alistair Smith, the news editor of The Stage said, but there had been nothing like the hysteria over Radcliffe’s appearance in Equus 'since Nicole Kidman appeared nude in The Blue Room. Whatever the reviews say, his presence has made the production all but critic-proof as a commercial venture.'"
Daniel Radcliffe Among the Young Hollywood's Top-Earning Stars

Forbes has announced their first-ever compilation of young Hollywood's top-earning stars under 21, which shows next generation of big moneymakers.
Daniel is #2 on this list
'Harry Potter' star DANIEL RADCLIFFE earned $13 million in 2006, making him one of the richest young stars in Hollywood today, and the only male in Forbes top five under-21 list.
You can check the entire list on ET Online
Daniel is #2 on this list
'Harry Potter' star DANIEL RADCLIFFE earned $13 million in 2006, making him one of the richest young stars in Hollywood today, and the only male in Forbes top five under-21 list.
You can check the entire list on ET Online
Daniel - Equus New Interview

The The Telegraph has a new interview with Daniel Radcliffe, Richard Griffiths, Will Kemp and Jenny Agutter
Maiming a horse is a far cry from riding a hippogriff, isn't it?
Completely. There came a point on the third Potter film when I thought, acting is what I want to do. I thought it would be a bad idea to wait till the Potter films were all finished to do something else. There are certain people who will be more than happy to see you in any other role you like, and there will be some who will never, ever see you as anything other than Harry Potter. Once you've accepted that, it's fine - you just do whatever you like. With this, they can say I'm good or terrible but the one thing they can't say is I haven't challenged myself.
The play argues that if you scratch the surface of any domestic environment, you will find abnormality and dysfunction. Is that your experience?
I know a few people that are very much like Alan, in that they are quick to anger. I recognise bits of myself in Alan, absolutely, and I think when young people come to see the play they will see themselves in him. I've got a great image of somebody who came to see the play when they were 16 and saw themselves as Alan, and then coming to see it again and seeing themselves as Dysart.
Alan's trouble is more visible because he hasn't got the vocabulary or social skills to disguise it.
The play is an extreme portrayal of teenage isolation. How do young actors avoid the psychological fall-out of early stardom?
It's me and the boy who was in The 400 Blows and Truffaut's other Antoine Doinel films. I've been lucky enough to have a direct route laid out for me.
Physically, it's a hugely demanding first stage role for a 17-year-old actor.
William: Dan is up for anything. We do a lot of things together - running around with him on my shoulders. I'm grateful that he's in fantastic nick, plus he's actually quite light.
Dan: Eight and a half stone.
Towards the end of the play, Alan and a stable girl have a love scene that goes badly wrong. The scene is, in all senses of the word, revealing, in that it involves nudity. How do you approach it?
I didn't look at the nudity and go, oh great. But it's the same as doing a role with an accent or a particular affectation. You look at the character first. Lots of the actors that I've admired have at one stage or another taken their kit off. It's a rite of passage. That iconic scene is the physical and emotional climax of the play. So if I do that with pants on, it would be crap.
Articles, Videos, Quotes and Much More!

Here I have a few articles, quotes and bits about Daniel in Equus.
Thanks to the Telegraph we have a new interview of actor Richard Griffiths, he talks about his new projects, what he likes and dislike and of course Equus and Dan.
About Dan's nude scene.
"I think it was difficult for Daniel at first, especially as this is his stage debut, but they have done it brilliantly. Initially there were just four of us in the room, then eight, then 40 - and they [Radcliffe and Joanna Christie, the two young actors who appear naked] became confident about it. Obviously what you worry about when you take your clothes off is the prurient response."
About the temperature
"... Knowing David Pugh [the producer] he will probably drop the temperature by three degrees to make everyone's nipples perkier. I don't think it is too bad for these two actors because they have lovely bodies, so they are admirable rather than mockable."
The Times
In a recent interview Michael Gambon talks about his recent projects, about Dumberdore and about Dan.
"What do you make of Daniel Radcliffe's stage debut in Equus?
He's growing up. He's a proper theater actor now. He's naked in this thing, so all the girls will go out and see it. I'd be frightened running around the stage with nothing on at all. When you stop running, one thing keeps moving. I bet he didn't think of that."
Thanks to Ada (ew.net Forum) we have two videos from The Charolette Church Show, in the the first video you can see Charolette discussing Daniel's new role in Equus, and in the first minute of the second video you can see one of her guest from this show, Billie Piper "hottest woman on TV," also talking about Dan's new play.
These two videos are quite funny because these are two grown up women gaving a great time talking about Dan.
Video 1
Video 2
Thanks to The December Boys blog we have a video of Elijah Wood talking about Dan in Equus.
"I think it's wonderful. Everytime an actor makes a brave
decision, taking a step in a different direction, I appplaud that."
Elijah Wood’s Video
The telegraph
Anna Wintour, editor of Vogue, won't be attending the Oscars this year and here is why"
"One definite no-show for the Oscars is American Vogue’s editor in chief, Anna Wintour. 'No way. I’m off to London to see Equus,' she told me. Asked about the controversial nude scene by Harry Potter star, Daniel Radcliffe – currently Heat magazine’s ‘Torso of the Week’ – Ms Wintour smiled and said: 'I’m ready!'."
The Observer
And finally, here is a really funny article from The Observer:
How do you get a table ... at the last minute?
It all depends who you say you are
Daniel Radcliffe
Scott's Restaurant & Bar: Can I book a table for tonight? 'There's nothing free.' It's for Daniel Radcliffe. 'We know who he is, but even our regulars are on the waiting list.' You can't make an exception? 'The only way would be to extend the restaurant ...'
Nobu: Daniel Radcliffe would like a table tonight. 'The only time we could do is 11pm.' You wouldn't make an exception considering who he is? 'We can't. I could put him on the waiting list for something earlier though.'
Tom's Kitchen: 'I don't physically have any tables.' Could you make room for Daniel Radcliffe? 'I'll see what I can do ... I can give him a small table at the front or a longer table at the back?'
Thanks to the Telegraph we have a new interview of actor Richard Griffiths, he talks about his new projects, what he likes and dislike and of course Equus and Dan.
About Dan's nude scene.
"I think it was difficult for Daniel at first, especially as this is his stage debut, but they have done it brilliantly. Initially there were just four of us in the room, then eight, then 40 - and they [Radcliffe and Joanna Christie, the two young actors who appear naked] became confident about it. Obviously what you worry about when you take your clothes off is the prurient response."
About the temperature
"... Knowing David Pugh [the producer] he will probably drop the temperature by three degrees to make everyone's nipples perkier. I don't think it is too bad for these two actors because they have lovely bodies, so they are admirable rather than mockable."
The Times
In a recent interview Michael Gambon talks about his recent projects, about Dumberdore and about Dan.
"What do you make of Daniel Radcliffe's stage debut in Equus?
He's growing up. He's a proper theater actor now. He's naked in this thing, so all the girls will go out and see it. I'd be frightened running around the stage with nothing on at all. When you stop running, one thing keeps moving. I bet he didn't think of that."
Thanks to Ada (ew.net Forum) we have two videos from The Charolette Church Show, in the the first video you can see Charolette discussing Daniel's new role in Equus, and in the first minute of the second video you can see one of her guest from this show, Billie Piper "hottest woman on TV," also talking about Dan's new play.
These two videos are quite funny because these are two grown up women gaving a great time talking about Dan.
Video 1
Video 2
Thanks to The December Boys blog we have a video of Elijah Wood talking about Dan in Equus.
"I think it's wonderful. Everytime an actor makes a brave
decision, taking a step in a different direction, I appplaud that."
Elijah Wood’s Video
The telegraph
Anna Wintour, editor of Vogue, won't be attending the Oscars this year and here is why"
"One definite no-show for the Oscars is American Vogue’s editor in chief, Anna Wintour. 'No way. I’m off to London to see Equus,' she told me. Asked about the controversial nude scene by Harry Potter star, Daniel Radcliffe – currently Heat magazine’s ‘Torso of the Week’ – Ms Wintour smiled and said: 'I’m ready!'."
The Observer
And finally, here is a really funny article from The Observer:
How do you get a table ... at the last minute?
It all depends who you say you are
Daniel Radcliffe
Scott's Restaurant & Bar: Can I book a table for tonight? 'There's nothing free.' It's for Daniel Radcliffe. 'We know who he is, but even our regulars are on the waiting list.' You can't make an exception? 'The only way would be to extend the restaurant ...'
Nobu: Daniel Radcliffe would like a table tonight. 'The only time we could do is 11pm.' You wouldn't make an exception considering who he is? 'We can't. I could put him on the waiting list for something earlier though.'
Tom's Kitchen: 'I don't physically have any tables.' Could you make room for Daniel Radcliffe? 'I'll see what I can do ... I can give him a small table at the front or a longer table at the back?'
WOW WOW!!! Equus Photocall!!
Today the play Equus had its official photocall with actors from this play, as you all we have wonderful and gorgeous pictures of Daniel Radcliffe and the rest of the cast.

The rest of these wonderful pictures can be seen on the next links:
Getty (Type Equus on the search window)

The rest of these wonderful pictures can be seen on the next links:
Getty (Type Equus on the search window)
New Dan Pictures Leaving Gielgud Theatre
Another Great Video of Dan Signing Autographs
This is a much better video of Dan signing autographs AND interacting with his fans after performing in Equus (02/17/07). (Thanks Caroline, this video belongs to "blondy7")
New Equus pictures
MORE Update: New Dan Pictures
More Updates, we have now the high resolution pictures and also a great VIDEO of Dan and his fans, thanks to UHP
Here are a few new pictures of Dan signing autographs outside the Gielgud Theatre after appearing in Equus, thanks to Mugglethai.

Here is a new picture of Dan playing Alan, this picture was taken by the Daily Mail.
Here are a few new pictures of Dan signing autographs outside the Gielgud Theatre after appearing in Equus, thanks to Mugglethai.

Here is a new picture of Dan playing Alan, this picture was taken by the Daily Mail.