David Tennant: MY Doctor

Since Doctor Who began in 1963 there has been 10 incarnations of the Doctor in all, 10 actors playing the larger than life Time Lord from Gallifrey and with each successive actor, the Doctor exhibited different personnalities – not to mention different outfits – that enthralled generations of viewers.

Everyone who watched Doctor Who has their favourite Doctor. For David Tennant, his favourite is the Fifth Doctor played by Peter Davison, who in 1981 was then the youngest man to have played the Time Lord at age 29. For me, David Tennant is MY Doctor.

Though I was first introduced to the wonderful world of Doctor Who with the Ninth Doctor, played by the fantastic Christopher Eccleston, and though I really, really liked him (and still do) and was sorry when he left, he didn't quite capture my heart like Ten would.

Where Christoper Eccleston's 9th Doctor was an energetic man, Tennant was a pure bundle of energy. Always running around, always being overly ecstatic about everything and just god damn enjoying himself immensely. Often described as being manic, everytime he was faced with something new, mysterious, and interesting he would face it with the complete delight of a child. The running and action is synonymous with the whole Russell T. Davies Era but the Tenth Doctor elevated it to an art form, always running to and from danger. My fondest memories were when he was doing it while holding Rose's hand.

Kissing seems to have been an important part of the Tenth Doctor's persona. Though Paul McGann's Eight Doctor was officially the first kissing Doctor – he kissed his companion Dr. Grace Holloway to the utmost horror of most Doctor Who fans in the 1996 movie. Tennant's Doctor became the first Doctor to have kissed (or been kissed by) all of his female companions. No one seemed to complain there anyway. I need to point out that Captain Jack did kiss the Doctor but that was in his Ninth incarnation. Though David Tennant did kiss John Barrowman at Comic-Con 2009. That was rather interesting . . . Haha!

Another thing I love about David Tennant's Tenth Doctor is that the actor is a master at conveying emotions with his eyes and his face. Emotions such as fear, happiness, anger, indifference, joy and anguish to name a few. Who can ever forget his magnificent performance during the season 4 episode Midnight? The fear on his face and in his eyes when he is possessed by the mysterious alien entity that possessed Sky Silvestry (this whole episode is a real tour de force by both actors) and the other characters want to throw him out of the space tour bus? Pure drama!!!

The hair has it! Seriously, the Doctor's hair has become bigger and bigger with each passing season. Rose mentioned how great she thought his hair was in the season 4 episode Turn Left. Let me say that she was simply voicing what many of us were thinking internally.

Fun! Fun is what this Doctor was all about. When he showed up on Bowie Base One in The Waters of Mars and Adelaide asked him to state his name, rank and intention the Doctor answered in all seriousness: ''The Doctor, Doctor, Fun.'' You got to love that man.

I also believe Ten was at his best with his companions. Especially Donna Noble and Rose Tyler. Whereas it was pure friendship that united the Doctor to Donna, there was something a bit more romantic uniting him to Rose.

Most importantly, as a friend of mine pointed, David Tennant's Doctor was completely lovely, enthusiastic and bubbly. His was a Doctor we wanted to have fun with, a Doctor we wanted to kiss – Yes, I said it – a Doctor that we would have left family and friends to go travel with. Most importantly, I believe that the actor's love for the character shone and it drew us all in.

And so, on january 1st 2010 (in the UK), at the end of part 2 of The End of Time, the RTD/Tennant Era of Doctor Who comes to an end, and a whole new Era looms when David Tennant's beloved Tenth Doctor will die, to regenerate into Matt Smith's Eleventh incarnation.

David Tennant has often said that people would soon forget him after that. I say, no one ever will.

Here's to you David!

Io9's Doctor Who ''The End of Time'' Bingo Cards fun!

Io9 just put up 2 Doctor Who: The End of Time part 2 Bingo cards that are too funny to be ignored so I'm putting one of them here.

Please go here to read the original posting and to view both cards in HD glory.


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Russell T. Davies Q & A on Digital Spy

On Christmas Day, part one of the last David Tennant Doctor Who specials, The End of Time, aired on the BBC.

That same day, Digital Spy published an exclusive Q & A with Russell T. Davies, the man who brought back Doctor Who to milions of fans and to international acclaim.

Amongst the questions asked, Davies skirted the regeneration part saying

You don’t know if there’s going to be one! Nice try. Well I’ve written two already; one for Chris and a fake one for David. The whole show keeps you on your toes. I can’t promise you anything. You think you’re going to see a regeneration, but I can’t say you’re going to see anything for the reason you think you’re going to see. We get more viewers each year by playing this game with people that we don’t give away too much.

He also talks about the love people have for David Tennant, and about the role the Master plays in the finale as well as his relationship with the Doctor
It’s complicated because he’s The Doctor’s enemy, but now he’s the only other Time Lord in existence, and I’ve always thought in a very strange way these two men love each other - not in a gay way, but they are similar and share a lot.

We learn more about their history, where they want to go. Both of them are heading for death, that’s the important thing. The Doctor knows he’s going to die, The Master is dying. He’s been brought back to life but it hasn’t worked, so both of them are trying to survive while heading to the Immortality Gate. Both in the same situation but at the same time enemies and total opposites. That’s why they’re magical characters. And two of the greatest actors in the land.

One more special to go on New Year's Day, and then we'll step into the Steven Moffat - Matt Smith Era. Though I'm looking forward to seeing season 5 and what's coming up, I can't help but feel extremely sad at the departure of those who made me discover and love Doctor Who.

Go here to read the entire Q & A

2009 Christmas Message from Emma Watson

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May this X-mas end the present year
on a cheerful note and make way
for a fresh and bright new year.
I wish you a
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
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Faith makes all things possible,
Hope makes all things work,
Love makes all things beautiful,
May you have all the three for this X-mas.

Wish you a Merry Christmas!!!

Wish you a very Happy New Year!!!

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Doctor Who: The End of Time Pics

I just came across a few more pictures of the last David Tennant Doctor Who specials, The End of Time and wanted to share them with all of you.

First you can see a gallery at Tv Sky here. Some new pictures, some older ones, but all great and interesting.

We also have some new pictures over at the Daily Mail, which also talks about the Catherine Tate Christmas Special in which David Tennant will participate as Russell Brand in Nan's Christmas. Go here to check them, and the article, out.

The Return of the Time Lords Confirmed, a Cameo and More on The End of Time

Even if this is not truly new news, Mail Online has confirmed the return of the Time Lords for the final David Tennant specials.

Indeed, after months of speculation, it has been confirmed that Timothy Dalton (former James Bond) will be playing ''a senior Time Lord in an extraterrestrial dressing gown.''

The Mail also talks about how emotional was the shoot:

Tennant and all the cast testify that it was a hugely emotional shoot, especially when the dreaded four knocks were finally heard to signal the arrival of the Reaper.
'I was nearly a puddle,' confesses Tennant. But Euros Lyn tells a sweet story about how it unravelled: 'When we shot the very final scene, David was 30ft in the air on a big flying rig. We brought him down and he went back to his trailer and it was all a bit flat, so we faked a final shot to bring him back for a round of applause.
'When he realised what we'd done he welled up and tried to make a speech, but he had to stop and sparked everyone else off, too!'
The tears are likely to be infectious. 'It's a stonking two and a half hours and there won't be a dry eye in the house. Even your turkey will be wet!' warns lead writer Russell T. Davies, breathless with excitement.

'I wrote my heart out for these specials, because I wanted to give David everything. Together we've loved pushing the Doctor further than ever before and this Christmas is David's final time to fly.'

Over at SFX, they call the finale ''Stunning. Brilliant. The best Christmas Day Doctor Who special yet. Not perfect, but hugely entertaining.'' We are also told that there will be a cameo, which has not been disclosed, that's similar to the appearance of Queen Elizabeth 1 at the end of The Shakespeare Code.

Everyone seems to agree that the Finale is grand and epic and that everyone will be left teary eyed at the end of Tennant's swan song as the Tenth Doctor.

Go here and here to read both articles in full.

Den of Geek's Advance Mini-Review for The End of Time Part 1 and New Trailer

Den of Geek has posted an advance mini-review of part 1 of The End of Time.

The review is relatively spoiler free and gives you a sense of what to expect as the episode will air Christmas Day in the UK.

You can also take a look at this brand new trailer:

Go read the review here

For a bigger trailer go here

Teasers for Doctor Who: The End of Time

Digital Spy has released a list of 10 teasers regarding the final specials involving David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor.

Amongst the most interesting ones are: there is a lot of Wilf, Donna's still special, the Master's resurrection is preposterous, and Star Wars, Jaws 2 and the Matrix are getting nods.

And look at that picture, we have a Master completely bound and gagged!

Go here to read it all.

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Sexy Fake Christmas girl Emma watson wallpaper pics 2009.

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Ron Hermoine Pics

More Weeping Angels for season 5 of Doctor Who!

New Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat has confirmed that one of his most terrifying creations, the very popular Weeping Angels who appeared in the scary episode 'Blink', will return on Season 5 of Doctor Who, starring Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor!

Go on the Blogtor Who site here to listen to the interview that Steven Moffat gave to BBC Radio 3 programme Night Waves.
Moffat is no stranger to weaving dark stories for Doctor Who. During season 1 he wrote 'The Empty Child' and 'The Doctor Dances', and most recently during season 4 with 'Silence in the Libray' and 'Forest of the Dead'. He even compared his upcoming season 5 of the series as a dark Fairy Tale.
Season 5 is really shaping up to be exciting.

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  • Sexy Watson 2009

Spoilery Stuff on Doctor Who: The End of Time

Fanatical Whovian has posted quotes taken from Doctor Who Magazine. The quotes were told by Russell T. Davies. They reveal quite a few spoilery things so do not read on if you don't want to know.

About the Doctor:

"The Doctor went through hell, on Mars. I think its important to note the angry, vengeful Doctor glimpsed in that climax is gone-that was the point of Adelaide's death; she saved the future, and saved the Doctor from himself. He was brought back to his senses. And as you've seen from the children in need clip, a lot of the old, chipper doctor has been restored. Which is only right and proper, because that's the Doctor we want to see in his final story- the classic hero, the good man, the lovely funny, skinny fell in the suit and trainers... and as ever, there's a melancholy beneath the smile- he's still aware that he's facing the end of his song, and the ominous four knocks. He can't know whether this means regeneration or actual death - and neither can you, cos we might have some tricks up our sleeves!"

About both the Master and the Doctor and their relationship to each other:

"In 'The sound of drum's and 'Last of the Time Lords', he mirrored the Doctor by being powerful, suave and megalomaniac. Now, its new opposite - lost and raw and savage. Something's gone very wrong with his return - you'll have to watch to find out what! - but that x-ray effect see in the trailer, where he's all skull and bones, is the just the start of the trouble....imagine all the pent up forces of a Time Lord body - artron energy, regeneration energy, all the stuff - ripping open and broken loose. A dying timelord is a terrifying thing! So with the Master dying, the Doctor's end approaching, and both determined to survive, they're hurtling along an almighty collision course. And that's just part one!"

About Donna:

"Donna had all her memories of her time with the Doctor erased. If she even gets a glimpse of the Time Lord again, the pressure on her mind could kill her..all those strange, powerful forces are still pent up within Donna's head, but what would happen, if those energies were provoked?..Donna faced all sorts of Christmas disasters but this time, its more personal and more deadly then ever before."

Also, there's quite a few more spoilery information given on the blog. Go read it all here.

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Doctor Who: The End of Time - Pictures Galore and a Brand New Clip

Over at Den of Geek, there's a slew of promotional pictures from Doctor Who: The End of Time, the 2-part series that will mark the end of the Davies-Tennant era.

We see Wilf, who is officially the Tenth Doctor's last Companion, his grand-daughter and former Companion Donna, her mother Sylvia, The Master, as well as brand new characters. We also have our fist pictures of actress Sinead Keenan who also appears in the specials in the role of Addams, a green spiky alien. I interviewed Miss Keenan a few months back and you can read it here.

Go here, here and here to see the pictures.

There is also a brand new clip of the episode which you can view here. The clip starts 25 seconds in.

Official BBC Airing Time for Doctor Who: The End of Time

The BBC has published the official airing time for the 2 parts of Doctor Who: The End of Time.

Doctor Who – The End Of Time, Part One

Friday 25 December
6.00-7.00pm BBC ONE

It's the Tenth Doctor's final journey – but his psychotic nemesis the Master has been reborn, on Christmas Eve. With both determined to cheat death, the battle ranges from the wastelands of London to the mysterious Immortality Gate, while the alien Ood warn of an even greater danger approaching, as a terrible shadow falls across the entire Universe.

David Tennant stars as the Tenth Doctor and guest stars include John Simm, Bernard Cribbins, Catherine Tate, Timothy Dalton, David Harewood and June Whitfield.

The End Of Time, Part One is written by Russell T Davies and directed by Euros Lyn. The producer is Tracie Simpson.

Doctor Who – The End Of Time, Part Two

Friday 1 January
6.40-7.55pm BBC ONE

The Doctor faces the end of his life as the Master's plans hurtle out of control. With the sound of drums growing louder, and an ancient trap closing around the Earth, the Doctor and Wilf must fight alone. But sacrifices must be made, and the deadly prophecy warns: "He will knock four times."

David Tennant stars as the Tenth Doctor and guest stars include John Simm, Bernard Cribbins, Catherine Tate, Timothy Dalton, David Harewood and June Whitfield.

The End Of Time, Part Two is written by Russell T Davies and directed by Euros Lyn. The producer is Tracie Simpson.

Vampire Rumours for New Doctor Who

Digital Spy reports that the cast and crew of Doctor Who has left England to go film a special episode of Doctor Who in Croatia. The rumour is that there will be vampires.

Supposedly, a new character named Rory and rumoured to be the boyfriend of the Eleventh Doctor's companion, Amy Pond, will appear in the episode.

Go here and here to read the report and see some pics from Digital Spy.

Over at Vercernji.hr, which appears to be a Croatian site, there is a plethora of interesting pics (go here to see them). On these pictures, you can clearly see the peasants dressed in Renaissance Period costumes and companion Amy Pond wearing something other than that horrible 80s ensemble she was wearing on some of the pics we previously saw. Thank you costume department!!!

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John Barrowman Confirms the Return of Torchwood

Blogtor Who just posted that John Barrowman confirmed the return of Torchwood in a 13 episode format!!

Go here to read the story and to listen to John as he talks about the future of Captain Jack on Doctor Who and the return of Torchwood on Steve Wright in the Afternoon on BBC Radio 2.

This is awesome news indeed. I loved Children of Earth (minus the death of Ianto Jones) and I'm glad to hear about the return of the series.

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More on Doctor Who: The End of Time

Blogtor Who has published some pictures and an article from the newest issue of Radio Times. There are some VERY interesting bits of casting for the last 2 episodes that are revealed.

*Spoilers ahead.

Timothy Dalton is confirmed as appearing in The End of Time as a character called the Narrator, according to the Scotsman. Also cast are actresses June Whitfield, Claire Bloom and, this is such exciting news, BRIAN COX!!!!

I was already excited now I’m crazy over the top!!!

According to the Radio Times article we’re also getting an emo Master. Both the Doctor and his mortal enemy, the Master, are entering the final stages of their lives and are dying. None of them wants to go.

Russell T. Davies says: 'It’s personal for the Doctor. The Master is his enemy, his opposite, and yet so tantalisingly close to being his soul mate. There’s something epic about their sheer existence – the last two survivors of an ancient race. It’s a clash of the titans. Both of them heading for death, and yet both determined to survive - at any cost!'

The End of Time also marks the return of Bernard Cribbins as Wilfred Mott and Catherine Tate as Donna Noble. Both of whom will appear to go through important emotional stuff and for them this may be the end.

The finale may have an emo Master, but we, as viewers, will be very emo viewers as well.

Go here to check out the Radio Time issue.

Casting News from the Season 5 of Doctor Who

Writer Richard Curtis has announced who will play Vincent Van Gogh in the upcoming episode he is writing for the season 5 of Doctor Who.

The actor who will play the famous painter is Tony Curran. Most people may remember him as Marcus, the Vampire leader and antagonist of the movie Underworld 2.

I find this bit of casting very interesting. Especially since there is a certain resemblance between the actor and Van Gogh. I'm very excited about the upcoming season 5, though I mourn the loss of David Tennant deeply.

Tentative UK Dates for Doctor Who: The End of Time

According to Digital Spy, the final episodes of the Davies-Tennant era of Doctor Who will air during Christmas Day at 7:30PM on BBC One and New Years Day again at 7:30PM on BBC One.

New Picture of the Doctor and Wilfred from The End of Time

Den of Geek has gotten their hands on a brand new BBC picture from one of the 2 parts of Doctor Who: the End of Time. This is what they had to say:

The BBC has released this morning another shot from the Christmas Doctor Who specials, The End Of Time. At first glance, it's the marvellous Bernard Cribbins alongside David Tennant in a quiet street (albeit looking a little startled).
But look a bit closer. That book that the Doctor is holding is called Fighting The Future, by Joshua Naismith. Joshua Naismith is a character in The End Of Time, being played by David Harewood (he's in the trailer for the episode).
How about a bit more, though? Remember the bus in Planet Of The Dead earlier in this year? It had an advert on the side of it. Remember who that advert was for? It was for a telecommunications company Neon by Naismith. The plot thickens.
We'll leave you to connect some of those dots together....!
The plot thickens indeed! Seems everything is related together and is bringing our beloved Tenth Doctor inexorably to his end.

Doctor Who's Companion Amy Pond as a Child!

*Mild spoilers ahead!

I just read in the always excellent Life Doctor Who & Combom that the Eleventh Doctor will first meet his new companion as a child and then he will travel forward in her timeline to take her as his companion.

The SUN has even published the picture of the young girl who will play Amy as a child. It is 9 year old Caitlin Blackwood, who also happens to be Karen Gillan's cousin.

Hollywood Pretty Teen Celebrity Emma Watson with Rafael Cebrián at the Rangers game at the Madison Square Garden in New York City US

Greg Grunberg as a Red Shirt on the Next Star Trek?

In an interview given to Newsarama.com JJ Abrams talked about his best friend, Heroes's Greg Grunberg, who had a cameo in the first Star Trek movie as Jim Kirk's uncle's voice (it's simpler than it sounds) during the car chase sequence.

I actually tried to get him to be in the movie originally and he was unavailable, but having Greg as a red shirt would be my favorite thing in the world, actually. [laughs]

The idea of having Greg Grunberg as a Red shirt is hilarious to me. Life expectancy for these Star Trek characters is notoriously short as they tend to DIE. It's part of one of those great Star Trek mythos.

BBC Official Press Release for Doctor Who: The End of Time Parts 1 and 2

This is the Official Press Release for the Final David Tennant episodes as the Doctor to be broadcasted on Christmas and New Years Day.

Doctor Who – The End Of Time: Part One

The Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) embarks on his final journey

It's the Tenth Doctor's final journey – but his psychotic nemesis the Master has been reborn, on Christmas Eve. With both determined to cheat death, the battle ranges from the wastelands of London to the mysterious Immortality Gate, while the alien Ood warn of an even greater danger approaching, as a terrible shadow falls across the entire Universe.

David Tennant stars as the Tenth Doctor and guest stars include John Simm, Bernard Cribbins, Catherine Tate, Timothy Dalton, David Harewood and June Whitfield.

The End Of Time – Part One is written by Russell T Davies and directed by Euros Lyn. The producer is Tracie Simpson.

Doctor Who – The End Of Time: Part One is simulcast on the BBC HD channel – the BBC's High Definition channel, available through Freesat, Sky and Virgin Media.

Doctor Who – The End Of Time: Part Two

The Doctor faces the end of his life as the Master's plans hurtle out of control. With the sound of drums growing louder, and an ancient trap closing around the Earth, the Doctor and Wilf must fight alone. But sacrifices must be made, and the deadly prophecy warns: "He will knock four times."

David Tennant stars as the Tenth Doctor and guest stars include John Simm, Bernard Cribbins, Catherine Tate, Timothy Dalton, David Harewood and June Whitfield.

The End Of Time – Part Two is written by Russell T Davies and directed by Euros Lyn. The producer is Tracie Simpson.

Doctor Who – The End Of Time: Part Two is simulcast on the BBC HD channel – the BBC's High Definition channel, available through Freesat, Sky and Virgin Media.


Hey guys Jenna here so lots and lots of things have been going on lately with me and Amy so that is why the blog hasn't been updated for a while.. hopefully we can get back to that sooner rather than later thanks for hanging in there ;)


More Filming Pics from Doctor Who Season 5

The incredible Alun Vega has once again prevailed and has many, many more pictures from the filming of Doctor Who season 5 with Matt Smith. The most recent ones appear to be from episode one again as Matt Smith is wearing David Tennant's tattered outfit.

Go see the plethora of pics here
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